Apple Inc. stock underperforms Monday when compared to competitors

1 min read

Shares of Apple Inc.
shed 0.75% to $181.16 Monday, on what proved to be an all-around grim trading session for the stock market, with the NASDAQ Composite Index
falling 0.13% to 15,976.25 and Dow Jones Industrial Average
falling 0.16% to 39,069.23.

This was the stock’s second consecutive day of losses.

Apple Inc. closed $18.46 short of its 52-week high ($199.62), which the company reached on December 14th.

The stock demonstrated a mixed performance when compared to some of its competitors Monday, as Microsoft Corp.
fell 0.68% to $407.54, Alphabet Inc. Cl C
fell 4.50% to $138.75, and Alphabet Inc. Cl A
fell 4.44% to $137.57.

Trading volume (40.7 M) remained 14.8 million below its 50-day average volume of 55.5 M.

Editor’s Note: This story was auto-generated by Automated Insights, an automation technology provider, using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our market data terms of use.

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